Subsistence Hunt Application

Welcome to the application for Alaska subsistence hunts in the 2026-2027 season. These hunts are for Alaska residents only, and you must be a resident at the time of application.
For details on the hunts available, please see the Subsistence Supplements. Below is an overview explaining the three types of subsistence hunts offered.
Tier I - Nelchina Caribou
Unit 13 Tier I Nelchina Caribou hunts RC561 and RC562 will not be held in Regulatory Year 2025-2026.
Tier II
Tier II hunts are held when there is not enough game to satisfy all subsistence needs. Hunters must answer questions on the application concerning their dependence on the game for their livelihood and availability of alternative resources. Applications are scored based on responses to the questionnaire and permits are issued to those with the highest scores. All household members that are also submitting Tier II applications must be listed on the individual's application. TM680 applicants must list all household members age 10 and older at the time of application.
Community Subsistence Harvest (CSH) Hunts
Community Subsistence Harvest (CSH) hunts are established to accommodate traditional subsistence hunting practices and create group bag limits rather than individual bag limits. Hunters who sign up for a CSH hunt will be restricted to hunting moose and caribou in the CSH hunt area during that same regulatory year for which they applied, except in specific circumstances. The CSH hunt requires a two-year commitment. All household members, regardless of age, must be listed on the application.
Copper Basin CSH Caribou hunt CC001 will not be held in Regulatory Year 2025-2026.
Are you in Year 1 or Year 2 of a CSH hunt?
Contact your group coordinator to confirm which year the group is in.
- Year 1 - fill out and complete a new application. Obtain the group number from your group coordinator.
- Year 2 - view/update information from your application last year. If you do not see it listed after providing your personal information, please verify the information we have on file for you by contacting your nearest ADF&G office.